“When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap.” — Tom Hodgkinson

Whenever we are faced with any important deadlines or stressors, sleep is the first to be given up on. It can be observed that in this century, not just young adults but also those in their 30s and 40s are compromising on their sleep to meet academic or job requirements. Not only does this affect 

If our quality of sleep is not optimal, it is highly likely that we will face issues in our personal and professional lives. Not getting enough sleep can lead to mental difficulties in paying attention, memory loss, focusing, making decisions, regulating our emotions, or any of our routine functions. It can also cause physiological complications like diabetes, aches and tremors, slow growth, and a risk of obesity as well as affecting the immune system. 

While sleeping may not give us abs, it does have some profound implications on both our mental and physical health. When we sleep, our body is performing functions which restore any damage that could have occurred during the day. 

  • Metabolism is restored
  • Memories are reinforced (this is how we learn anything new)
  • Muscles are repaired 
  • Concentration and attention functions are rejuvenated.
 Some tips to sleep better:

  • Have a regular sleep and wake schedule
  • Arrange your bedding and pillows to be as comfortable for yourself as possible
  • Keep your phone away/ read a book in the hour before you sleep
  • Have dinner at least 2-3 hours before your bedtime
  • Avoid taking any caffeine before bedtime
  • Avoid using your bed for other purposes

Sleep is the best meditation - Dalai Lama


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