Haven't we all wanted to change something about ourselves? Sometimes, we want some small changes. Other times, we desire to alter our selves completely. We want to become new, better versions of ourselves. A lot of times, this is essential. It can be necessary for us to keep modifying ourselves to become better, to be happier, to cope better, and to find comfort. Don't just stay the way you are because you are afraid of moving, or because, heaven forbid, people expect you to stay that way. 

Change is a sign of growth.

You will know when you need a change. Your mind and body will give you cues. You will feel uncomfortable in situations you earlier thrived in. You may not enjoy certain conversations, or maybe that cupcake tastes too sweet now. That color that was your favorite, you might not like it as much. 

Do not be afraid of this feeling. Use it as a checkpoint. Collect the power up. Move. Change. You should be more afraid of being unhappy for a long time, than of change. 

It is important to understand that nothing changes in an instant. No matter how hard we try, the change will always be gradual- this is the way it should be. We must ease ourselves into the new. Start small, take baby steps, find what works for you, and build on that. Seek out the direction you want to go in. We all must learn to embrace change, because it is constant. In the period of transition, focus on yourself. Hone into the messages you are getting from our mind. Use these to direct your change and discover who you want to be.

"We cannot become what we want by remaining where we are." - Max Depree


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