Rolling with the Punches

We may often find ourselves being dealt a terrible hand by life in the face of circumstances that we could not have possibly predicted or done anything to avert. Even as words of sympathy may be murmured to us, and suggestions are passed to lace up our boots and stand firm, a favoured strategy for many of us is to hug our knees and brood about the misery that is worldly existence.

That's alright. All of us do it from time to time. But it won't come as a surprise to realise that this is not exactly a rational approach to face the issue at hand, nor does it set the right frame of mind in order to confront it. We may be showered with a hundred motivational quotes on social media sites on a daily basis, but reality requires us to employ constructive thinking and action in order to overcome whatever obstacle lies ahead of us.

One skill that could go a long way in helping us get through a difficult spot is known as mental toughness. It's an arsenal of resources pertaining to the field of positive psychology that gives us a push during stressful experiences. It conjures an image of a cartoon character rolling their eyes and attempting to resume a marathon even after running into a tree, but rest assured, it's not like it sounds. A better analogy would be someone about to face a burnout pulling open a fridge door and eyeing a cake with four delicious icings, the consumption of which would make her better equipped to get about her day. No, you can't order it from Swiggy, but brushing through the 4 Cs of mental toughness by the renowned Professor Peter Clough could leave a good taste in your mouth too, you know.

Control. This describes the extent to which an individual feels that they are in control of their life and their work. Our perception of a lack of control in the situation we're facing is similar to feeling like we're not at the helm amidst a stormy sea. 

Commitment. This describes the ability for an individual to carry out tasks successfully despite having roadblocks. This is essentially making a promise to ourselves to see this through by reminding ourselves about the stakes and pumping ourselves up with whatever it takes to stick the landing we want. 

The combination of both of these characteristics gives rise to what is termed as resilience

Challenge. This describes the extent to which individuals see problems, setbacks, and challenges as opportunities. Granted, this is not applicable to every situation, but when the issue we're staring at is work-related or something to do with our personality traits, we might as well see it as a chance for growth and persist. If you're into novels, think of it as a subplot that ultimately leads to character development. 

Confidence. This assesses the extent to which individuals believe they have the capability to do what they need to do. One may argue that the absence of this aspect is the main reason why we find ourselves frustrated in the first place. This would stem from self-worth and deep set beliefs that insist that we can or cannot pull something off in an effective manner. 

Working on mental toughness through habits that could alter our stream our thought and better enable us to channel our energy in a positive direction could hold the answer to our learned helpnessness when the odds stack up against us and seem insurmountable. Developing these Cs through the course of our day and enjoying our leisure when we wish to could allow us to have our cake and eat it too!

- Nikhil


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