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Once Upon A Dream

       Dreams are unique phenomena, strange and surreal yet a normal and everyday occurrence. they span from large epic narratives to strange disorganised jumble of thoughts and stimuli, at least from what you recall of them before they fade away. There are many approaches to what dreams are and why they exist, with one of the earliest psychological explanations given by Freud who claimed that "Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious"  Freud himself claimed that dreams are a form of wish-fulfilment that reflected the events of the day preceding the dream. in children, he claimed that since their thought processes are more simple and straightforward, they are easier to analyse through their simple dreams, but for adults, it becomes more complex with them having a surface element of their dream( called "manifest" content) and a more symbolic and hidden meaning that reveals their true unconscious desires and "wishes" (called "Latent'" conte...

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